Community Kirtan
Devotion is a way of being, it's not something you do. It's dedication to finding awareness and Love.
Chanting is like asanas for the mind and the heart.
- Krishna Das

Bhakti, or Devotion, is one of the five tenets of Jivamukti Yoga.
Kirtan, or devotional chanting of mantra, is one of the primary practices of Bhakti Yoga. There a many slokas (Sanskrit verses) from many spiritual traditions including Hinduism and Yoga, Buddhism and Sikhism, as well as various spiritual texts in which these slokas and mantras were first documented, including the Vedas, Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Bhagavad Gita. With roots in the Vedic tradition in India, Kirtan is a particular style of devotional chanting involving repetitious chanting of Vedic mantra - which are some of the oldest sacred texts in the world (around 1500 BC). Kirtan is practiced in a large group, typically using a "call and response" method, in which one person is calling and the group repeats the mantra back together, sometimes in various shared harmonies. An accompaniment of musical instruments, especially Indian instruments like the harmonium, are often used to support the rhythm and changes in pace common within kirtan. Many traditional kirtan mantra are a song of praise and worship of various Hindu deities such as Krishna, Shiva, Radhe, Kali, Durga etc. Within contemporary Australian society, chanting to Hindu gods and goddesses may seem strange at first. However, by experiencing the potency of the mantra itself, we may access a greater depth of understanding of the universality of spirituality, regardless of cultural or religious beliefs. Community Kirtan may simply be can be a fun night of singing and connecting with friends, or a profoundly moving, enlivening and joyous experience of experiencing your natural state, which is Yoga (union).
Monique and Meg invite you to share an open mind, voice and heart, and contribute to the collective experience of mantra meditation with us.
Dates: Fridays evenings around the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes and Winer and Summer Solstices (see Courses and Events)
Times: 7:30-8:30 kirtan followed by chai and an opportunity to connect with others in the kirtan community from 8:30-9pm
Location: Mindful Movement Hub within the Geelong Myotherapy and Wellness Centre (7-9 Tanner Street, Breakwater)
As with all offerings, Community Kirtan is offered as a sliding scale:
​Community - $15
Standard - $20
Supporter - $25
All props are provided including bolsters, blankets, chant sheets. If you would like to stay from 8:30-9pm, we offer vegan chai tea to enjoy with fellow Bhaktis.
Please be aware that Community Kirtan is not a musical performance but rather, an act of devotion through vocal expression. Therefore, no musical talent whatsoever is required to participate. All are welcome.
Please, join us.